[mou] FINALLY...some birds

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Fri, 19 May 2006 15:44:12 -0500

In a steal from the movie "Dune"  -  "We have Warbler-sign!"  Any wave 
will be greatly admired and appreciated as is your report and risk of 
taking a friend out after this slow spring. 

As I was birding over the last few days, particularly at Sucker Lake, I 
began looking at my frustration and bewilderment over the lack of 
warblers.  It was then that I noticed that I practically blew off a 
singing Red-breasted Grosbeak perched high in a tree, the flocks of 
Yellow Warblers chasing each other through the shrubs, the pure art that 
is the Wood Duck, the color splash of the Baltimore Orioles and all of 
the other "regulars" I so quickly look over in my search for something 
else.  This area swims with beautiful resident birds that during my 20 
years in Oklahoma were considered "Rare Visitors" and would freeze me 
where I stood.  Time for me to slow down and appreciate what is here and 
also cheer whatever warblers come my way.  From that moment, I have a 
much richer appreciation for my yard and all the birds that visit daily 
and have chosen this spot to nest and parade around my feeders.  I am 


Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park

chetmeyers@visi.com wrote:

>Chet Meyers writes:
> With heavy heart I took a friend new to birding to Cedar Lake, telling him not
>to expect much.  We were delighted to see a number of birds and even two
>(albeit small) waves of warblers.  Another friend reported he had seen 14
>species of warbler that morning.  Also rose-breasted grosbeak, Harris sparrow
>and mnumbers of white-throated sparrows (who are late..which means more late
>migrants to come). It was not a "wabler-neck" kind of day but the first day
>this spring I have actually seen more than a handful of warblers.  Interested
>if others saw a movement of birds today????
>Chet Meyers, Hennepin County
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