[mou] Mankato area BIG day--long

Chad Heins odunamis@yahoo.com
Sun, 21 May 2006 12:38:44 -0700 (PDT)

Hey birders,

I wasn't organized enough to get in on the Minnesota
birdathon this year, but that didn't keep me from
getting out.  Tom Dahlen and I explored the MN River
valley in the Mankato area and found 146 species.
Time: 2AM-8PM.  A synopsis appears below:

10 ducks
4 grebes
5 herons
6 hawks
14 shorebirds
6 woodpeckers
5 flycatchers
6 thrushes
23 warblers
11 sparrows
9 blackbirds

This was the quietest BIG day I've ever done in terms
of warblers.  While we saw 23 species, most were
represented by 3 or less individuals.  Most warblers
seen were Tennessee (90%).  Of note: Hooded Warbler
along Trail 1 at 7-mile Creek County Park in Nicollet
County (west side of 169 south of St. Peter),
Prothonotary Warbler at St. Peter Sewage Lagoons (call
and gain permission or you risk a visit with a police
officer), Louisiana Waterthrush at Minneopa State Park
(below the falls).  Due to a lack of time, Williams
Nature Park in Blue Earth County was not visited
(though Tom informed me this morning that the Kentucky
Warbler has returned).

Most shorebirds were picked up in two flooded fields. 
One is located on the north side of Eagle Lake (the
body of water, not the city).  Go east from the boat
launch about 0.25 miles; it is on the south side (6
species on Saturday).  The other site was thanks to
Tom's scouting and I'm not exactly sure where I
was...rough directions.  Go east from Madison Lake on
Hwy 60.  Turn right on 541st lane/street).  Go south
for 0.5 miles, the pond will be on your right at the
bottom of the hill.  Species: Hudsonian Godwit,
Dunlin, Wilson's Phalarope, both yellowlegs, Least,
Semipalmated, Spotted.

One other site that produced some nice species: CR 62
in Nicollet County. Go south from the town of Nicollet
on Hwy 23.  Turn right on CR 62 which is near the
bottom of the bluff.  We had large waves of warblers
along here and great looks at Clay-colored and Lark

Also of note:

Cerulean Warbler at 7-mile Creek.  Park at the 2nd
pullout; the birds are normally calling from the
cottonwoods to the south.

Ruddy Turnstone at Swan Lake--flyover.

I hope everyone else had a great day.  I'll try and
get my act together for next year's Minnesota

Happy birding!

Chad Heins
Mankato, MN

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