[mou] Polk, Pennington and Marshall Counties.

Betsy Batstone-Cunningham batsham@gra.midco.net
Sun, 21 May 2006 18:20:46 -0500

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Pat & Russ Wilber and I went birding up to Agassiz WLR today. We had a =
fairly nice day birding Polk, Pennington and Marshall Counties.

We saw or heard around 67 species - highlights were:

Watching the display dance of two Sandhill cranes; Wilson, Palm, =
Tennessee and Cape May warblers; Ovenbird and Veery; Ravens; Eastern and =
Western Kingbirds and Bobolinks; Yellow bellied sapsucker - male; =
Redneck, Piebilled and Eared grebes; Red headed woodpeckers; White =
pelicans; Marsh wrens; Lots of blue winged teal and one pair of green =
winged teal; Only saw four shore birds - Greater Yellow legs and a =
spotted sandpiper, could not tell what the other two were. There was no =
shoreline or mud flats at the Headquarters Pond at Agassiz this year! =
Also we did not see a meadowlark until we were almost back in East Grand =
Forks. One of the eagles was standing on the side of the nest that is =
near the EGF lagoons.

Betsy Batstone-Cunningham

Grand Forks ND


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<P>Pat &amp; Russ Wilber and I went birding up to Agassiz WLR today. We =
had a=20
fairly nice day birding Polk, Pennington and Marshall Counties.</P>
<P>We saw or heard around 67 species =96 highlights were:</P>
<P>Watching the display dance of two Sandhill cranes; Wilson, Palm, =
and Cape May warblers; Ovenbird and Veery; Ravens; Eastern and Western =
and Bobolinks; Yellow bellied sapsucker =96 male; Redneck, Piebilled and =
grebes; Red headed woodpeckers; White pelicans; Marsh wrens; Lots of =
blue winged=20
teal and one pair of green winged teal; Only saw four shore birds =96 =
Yellow legs and a spotted sandpiper, could not tell what the other two =
There was no shoreline or mud flats at the Headquarters Pond at Agassiz =
year! Also we did not see a meadowlark until we were almost back in East =
Forks. One of the eagles was standing on the side of the nest that is =
near the=20
EGF lagoons.</P>
<P>Betsy Batstone-Cunningham</P>
<P>Grand Forks ND</P>
