[mou] Murphy-Hanrehan Hooded Warbler

Clay Christensen clay.christensen@comcast.net
Fri, 26 May 2006 20:21:59 +0000

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This morning (5/26) my son, Drew, Bill Stjern and I birded Murphy-Hanrehan Park (Scott/Dakota Counties). We had good looks at a singing hooded warbler between trail markers 13 & 14 after a great deal of searching, listening and looking. Also saw an olive-sided flycatcher. Warblers included lots of Am. redstarts and common yellowthroats. Also yellow, black & white, Tennessee. Blue-gray gnat catcher. Saw a red-shouldered hawk. Heard a couple scarlet tanagers, an eastern wood peewee or two. Lots of red-eyed vireos and a couple yellow-throated vireos. There was a calling loon. Hooded merganser females w/ fledglings. Did not see/hear cerulean warbler or acadian flycatcher.

Note to St. Paul Audubon field trip participants going to M-H tomorrow:

The directions in the Cardinal say to turn left on County Road 74. It's actually County Road 75 (must've got a promotion...).

Clay Christensen
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<DIV>This morning (5/26) my son, Drew, Bill Stjern and I birded Murphy-Hanrehan Park (Scott/Dakota Counties). We had good looks at a singing hooded warbler between trail markers 13 &amp; 14 after a great deal of searching, listening&nbsp;and looking. Also saw an olive-sided flycatcher. Warblers included lots of Am. redstarts and common yellowthroats. Also yellow, black &amp; white, Tennessee. Blue-gray gnat catcher. Saw a red-shouldered hawk. Heard a couple scarlet tanagers, an eastern wood peewee or two. Lots of red-eyed vireos and a couple yellow-throated vireos. There was a calling loon. Hooded merganser females w/ fledglings. Did not see/hear cerulean warbler or acadian flycatcher.</DIV>
<DIV>Note to St. Paul Audubon field trip participants going to M-H tomorrow:</DIV>
<DIV>The directions in the Cardinal say to turn left on County Road 74. It's actually County Road 75 (must've got a promotion...).</DIV>
<DIV>Clay Christensen</DIV></body></html>
