[mou] dakota Co.
Steve Weston
Sun, 28 May 2006 12:04:23 -0500
Went out for a few hours with Jim Ryan, hitting 140th St. marsh, 180th St.
marsh, and a few other spots along the way. the Sand Coulee (off of Tuttle,
southern Hasting city) had a new chain link fence soon to include a "No
Trespassing" sign and lock, as well as pissed off neighbors. The 25 acre
city property will be closed, according to the neighbors, to keep out the
ATV's, which the neighbors say don't use that access point. this seems to
violate the adage that the best protection of a natural site is local
perceived ownership. With the neighbors no longer walking the paths, ATV
trespass reports should drop significantly, although I doubt that ATV
incursions will be affected.
Birds of interest:
Magnolia Warbler (only migrant warbler spotted)
Prothonatary Warbler (behind Mud Lake on Ravena Trail south of Hastings)
Dickcissel (CR42 by Schaar's Bluff)
Brewers Blackbird (same loction)
Grasshopper Sparrow (Michael Road so. of Hwy 316)
Lark Sparrow (Michael Rd just north of 190th) This bird afforded great
looks and appears to nesting under the split rail fence next to the road.
Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN