[mou] rice creek etc

Cindy Johnson elfowl@usfamily.net
Mon, 29 May 2006 09:23:01 -0500

I am planning to bird at Rice Creek today. Where was the duck located, 
and I believe there was also a report earlier this week about a 
prothonotary warbler in the area. If anyone has more specific 
information about locations I would greatly appreciate it.


Cindy Johnson
New Brighton, MN

Jason Bolish wrote:
> Was unsuccessful relocating a Prothonotary Warbler in Rice Creek Park 
> on Friday Night & this weekend.  Ran into Tom when he 
> located the Mallard in a Raptor nest.  I was skeptical but today I got 
> pictures verifying it: 
> http://www.bolioshot.com/images/rc_raptor_nest_with_mallard_1_052806.jpg
> http://www.bolioshot.com/images/rc_raptor_nest_with_mallard_2_052806.jpg
> On Saturday, just outside the fenced in Dog Walking area, I saw my 
> first Blackburnian Warbler & surprised the pics turned out this well 
> considering I've had this new camera for only a few days (this Warbler 
> was not back there today)
> http://www.bolioshot.com/images/rc_blackburnian_warbler_m_1.jpg
> http://www.bolioshot.com/images/rc_blackburnian_warbler_m_3.jpg
> Found that this Eastern Phoebe had been banded (NW area of Springbrook 
> Park)
> http://www.bolioshot.com/images/sb_eastern_phoebe_banded_4_052806.jpg
> http://www.bolioshot.com/images/sb_eastern_phoebe_banded_pair_1_052806.jpg
> Jason

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