[mou] Rice County - 5/29/06 - Snowy Egret - Update - not present 3 - 5 pm

CRAIG MANDEL EgretCMan@msn.com
Mon, 29 May 2006 23:32:28 -0500


Spent the afternoon with Rick Specht birding in Rice county.  We started out 
in search of the previously reported Snowy Egret, but were unsuccessful in 
our search.  We did observe many Great Egrets moving in and out of the 
marsh, between 3 and 5pm.  The edges of the marsh are covered with grass or 
reeds and Cattails.  At times all of the Great Egrets would disappear into 
the grassy areas.  So it is very possible that the Snowy Egret was there, 
but not visible.  There were Dickcissel's along CR 12, just East of CR 72 
and an Orchard Oriole was observed along CR 72 about 2/10th of a mile South 
of CR 12.

@ Dickcissel
@ Orchard Oriole

Craig Mandel, Minnetonka, MN