[mou] Bittern Rescue

Sharon Stiteler birdchick@comcast.net
Sat, 4 Nov 2006 20:31:33 -0600

Way to go, Clay.  There must be something in the air.  Last weekend  
at Cape May, the Leica staff helped a stranded bittern too.  You can  
see pictures of it here:


Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN

On Nov 4, 2006, at 5:03 PM, Clay Christensen wrote:

> My wife Jean and I rescued an American bittern from the St. Anthony  
> Park community gardens, between Robbins St. and the railroad  
> tracks, just west of Raymond Av. (Ramsey County). It had been seen  
> in the area a week earlier and again yesterday by Sherman Eagles.  
> It never showed any ability to fly. Today it was crouched in one of  
> the garden plots, all fluffed up, looking as mean as it could, with  
> that rapier beak aimed right at my eyes (I wore my protective  
> goggles). I covered it with a towel and put it into a dog carrier.  
> We delivered it to the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Roseville.
> Clay Christensen
> Lauderdale, MN