[mou] shorebirds, Byllesby

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:00:53 -0600

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Nov. 14, 2006 - Lake Byllesby, Dakota Co.

Black Scoter not seen today, only 2 Common Loons on big water...but found these at west end mudflats:

Black-bellied Plover - 1
American Golden-Plover - 1
Dunlin - 5
Pectoral Sandpiper - 1
Wilson's Snipe - 1

All were were seen well from the Goodhue side of the lake with good light. At one point the two plovers were within inches of each other. Nice comparison and could readily see that BBPL was slightly larger, grayer, had a larger bill, longer neck, and less pronounced supercilium than the very buffy appearing AMGP. 

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<DIV>Nov. 14, 2006 - Lake Byllesby, Dakota Co.</DIV>
<DIV>Black Scoter not seen today, only 2 Common Loons on big water...but found these at west end mudflats:</DIV>
<DIV>Black-bellied Plover - 1</DIV>
<DIV>American Golden-Plover - 1</DIV>
<DIV>Dunlin - 5</DIV>
<DIV>Pectoral Sandpiper - 1</DIV>
<DIV>Wilson's Snipe - 1</DIV>
<DIV>All were were seen well from the Goodhue side of the lake with good light. At one point the two plovers&nbsp;were within inches of each other. Nice comparison and could readily see that BBPL was slightly larger, grayer, had a larger bill, longer neck, and less pronounced supercilium than the very buffy appearing&nbsp;AMGP. </DIV>