[mou] Geese

RBJanssen@aol.com RBJanssen@aol.com
Mon, 20 Nov 2006 19:35:12 EST

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Today I sorted through 1000's of Canada Geese in numerous locations in  
Sherburne and Mille Lacs counties.  I could not find a single Cackling  Goose in 
any of these groups.  This is most interesting as we are trying to  learn the 
migratory pattern of Cackling Geese in Minnesota. In previous weeks  and in late 
October it was relatively easy to find Cackling Geese in many  locations were 
there were large numbers of Canada Geese.  Is this a  possible indication 
that Cackling Geese are gone from the state by early to  mid-November or was it 
just a local situation that I ran into  today?  Your thoughts, comments and 
observations on the migration  of Cackling Geese would be most interesting.
Bob Janssen

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<DIV>Today I sorted through 1000's of Canada Geese in numerous locations in=20
Sherburne and Mille Lacs counties.&nbsp; I could not find a single Cackling=20
Goose in any of these groups.&nbsp; This is most interesting as we are tryin=
g to=20
learn the migratory pattern of Cackling Geese in Minnesota. In previous week=
and in late October it was relatively easy to find Cackling Geese in many=20
locations were there were large numbers&nbsp;of Canada Geese.&nbsp; Is this=20=
possible indication that Cackling Geese are gone from the state by early to=20
mid-November or was it just a local situation that I ran into=20
today?&nbsp;&nbsp;Your thoughts, comments&nbsp;and observations on the migra=
of Cackling Geese would be most interesting.</DIV>
<DIV>Bob Janssen</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
