[mou] Varied Thrush in Duluth

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Tue, 28 Nov 2006 19:25:47 -0600

I got a call today about a male Varied Thrush that has been coming to 
a feeder in the Kenwood neighborhood of Duluth since at least 
November 18th.  The feeder is in the front yard and is visible from 
the road.  The bird also feeds below the feeder.  It is at 1807 
McFarlane Road, at the first house after turning west off the Howard 
Gnesen Road.  McFarlane is about a half mile northwest of the Kenwood 
shopping center on Arrowhead Road.

I hope it stays for the Duluth Christmas Bird Count, which will be 
held on Saturday, December 16th.

Jim Lind