[mou] Speculation

Bill Bruins wbruins@earthlink.net
Thu, 30 Nov 2006 10:32:21 -0600

About 9:15 this morning my wife head and saw the Carolina Wren so I 
headed outside to put meal worms in the feeders. I gave a whistle 
imitation of the wren call and got a buzzed response and the bird 
popped up onto the fence.

We sat inside watching and hoping that the wren would get some meal 
worms. It came to the feeder but seemed to ignore the worms for 
seeds. Then a Tufted Titmouse stopped by for a snack.

The last time the wren was here so too was the titmouse. I am 
speculating they travel together around the neighborhood and the last 
time the wren was here so was the  titmouse. The wren seems to visit 
every three to four days.


O. William Bruins
1538 11th Avenue NE
Rochester, MN 55906-4213
507-281-1607 - home
507-261-6837 - cell (not always turned on)