[mou] MRVAC - McLeod/Sibley Counties Birding Day - Field Trip Report - 10/2/2006

CRAIG MANDEL EgretCMan@msn.com
Tue, 3 Oct 2006 06:44:33 -0500

October 10, 2006

Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
McLeod/Sibley Counties Bird Day
Field Trip Report

8 - participants
74 - species observed

Spent the day birding in McLeod and Sibley counties today, with limited 
success.  We observed 15 species of waterfowl, but many species were 
represented by single birds or very few at best.  We did encounter a large 
number of American Coots at Washington Lake in Sibley county and some small 
waves of Yellow-rumped Warblers in several locatios.  Franklin's Gulls and 
Common Nighthawks were also observed throughout the area during our return 
drive.  I observed over 200 Common Nighthawks on my drive from Belle Plain 
to Minnetonka.  Here were some of the species observed by the group:

Snow Goose - McLeod County - Observed in flight at Lake Marion County Park.
Horned Grebe - Sibley County - Washington Lake - several birds were observed 
from the South side of the lake along Highway 25.
Black-crowned Night-Heron - Sibley County - Highway 19 and CR 53 North - 
This wetland also had a nice mix of waterfowl and is easily viewed from 
Highway 19.
Swainson's Hawk - McLeod County - We observed an adult Light morph bird in 
flight along Highway 38, just east of CR 65.
Common Nighthawk - Sibley, Scott and Hennepin Counties.
Red-headed Woodpecker - McLeod County - an immature bird was observed at 
Lake Marion County Park.
Sedge Wren - McLeod County - a single bird was observed near the entrance to 
Schaefer Prairie.
Fox & White-throated Sparrows were observed at Buffalo Creek County Park in 
McLeod County.

Craig Mandel, Minnetonka, MN