[mou] Stoney Point migration

John Green jgreen@d.umn.edu
Sun, 8 Oct 2006 20:04:05 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)

Bluebird weather finally broke today with migration at Stoney Point,
through the light rain showers, of thousands of birds, on a stong
southwest wind.  From 9:30 am to 11:00 flocks of robins (50 - 200 birds
each) were constantly in the sky accompanied by smaller numbers of Rusty
Blackbirds, grackles, Blue Jays (a few), flickers (a few), goldfinches,
and Cedar Waxwings (hundred).  Countless smaller birds included
Yellow-rumped Warblers and juncos.  Only 8 Gray Jay were seen, these close
to the ground in contrast to the flocks of birds overhead.  Raptors
included sharp-shins, merlin, kestrels, Bald Eagles and one immature
goshawk.  Stoney Point is in the Town of Duluth, not the City.

Interestingly, this passerine diurnal migation was not witnessed inland at
Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve although they did have a good flight of
Sharp-shins and other raptors.

Jan and John Green