[mou] Ross's Geese in Two Harbors, Lake Co.

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 12:46:12 -0600

This morning there were two immature Ross's Geese near the Two 
Harbors golf course clubhouse.  An adult Snow Goose was with them for 
a nice side-by-side comparison.  There were also at least 142 
Cackling Geese, and about 80 Canada Geese.  Two of the Cackling Geese 
had orange neck collars with white letters, one with "B NK", and one 
with "B PJ".  I'm going to submit these online to the Bird Banding 
Lab and hopefully find out where they were banded.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors