[mou] Goldfinch feeding young

Rick Hoyme Rick.Hoyme@baesystems.com
Tue, 10 Oct 2006 07:28:47 -0500

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When I went out to fill my feeders yesterday, I heard a commotion in a
crab apple tree in my neighbors yard. It was a young Goldfinch begging
food from an attentive parent. I don't remember seeing that this late in
the year. Maybe my Goldfinches nested late this year. I guess I better
go buy some more Niger seed and fill that feeder as well.
Rick Hoyme
Plymouth, MN 
Hennepin Co.

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<DIV>When I went out to fill my feeders yesterday, I heard a commotion in =
a crab apple tree in my neighbors yard. It was a young Goldfinch begging =
food from an attentive parent. I don't remember seeing that this late in =
the year. Maybe my Goldfinches nested late this year. I guess I better go =
buy some more Niger seed and fill that feeder as well.</DIV>
<DIV>Rick Hoyme</DIV>
<DIV>Plymouth, MN </DIV>
<DIV>Hennepin Co.</DIV></BODY></HTML>
