[mou] Pomarine still present

Chad Heins odunamis@yahoo.com
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:49:55 -0700 (PDT)

Hey birders,=0A=0ATom Dahlen and I relocated the Pomarine Jaeger Wednesday =
morning.  The bird was still present (and apparently in no hurry to leave) =
at 11:15 when we left.  We observed the bird for 45 minutes and saw it fly =
only 3 times.  Ring-billed Gulls were present in very low numbers (<20) com=
pared to Monday afternoon (>60) when we first viewed the bird.  A small flo=
ck of Franklin's Gulls also passed overhead.=0A=0AOther birds along the Sak=
atah trail: Fox, Song, White-throated, White-crowned, Harris', Swamp, Chipp=
ing, and American Tree Sparrows, both kinglets, Eastern Bluebird, Wilson's =
Snipe, Pectoral Sandpiper, Great Egret, and Rusty Blackbird.=0A=0AI also wa=
nt to offer a late report of a dark-phase Harlan's Red-tail that passed ove=
r the Bethany Lutheran College campus last Friday.  Two other dark-phase Re=
d-tails were also seen that day (51 Red-tails total).=0A=0AHappy birding!=
=0A=0AChad Heins=0AMankato, MN=0A=0A