[mou] Pomarine present

Chad Heins odunamis@yahoo.com
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 17:27:24 -0700 (PDT)

Hey birders,=0A=0AI just got off the phone with Butch Ukura who was one of =
the birders present when I was at Eagle Lake this morning.  He said the jae=
ger appeared about 10 minutes after I left (8:45am).  It was located on the=
 northern part of the lake, north of the Sakatah Trail and flew to the sout=
hern part of the lake while he watched. He said that the bird flew to the s=
outhern part of the lake and he lost sight of the bird.  He told me he was =
there until 2pm and never saw the bird again.  He also indicated that there=
 were several gulls flying around on the northern part of the lake.=0A=0ASo=
...the jaeger may or may not be there at this point.  It has chosen a lake =
that can provide some problems for viewing and may require some patience be=
fore the bird shows itself.  I will not be able to get out the next couple =
of days so I will be unable to offer any updates from a local birder.  =0A=
=0AGood luck!=0A=0AChad Heins=0AMankato=0A=0A