[mou] Rothsay birds & others

Sun, 29 Oct 2006 22:13:49 EST

    Saturday saw 3 Rough-legged Hawks (only 2 Red-Tails and 3-4 N. Harriers,) 
as well as hundreds of Longspurs, Laplands in every plumage variation. The 
easy ones to ID were in recently plowed or disked cornfields and were all 
Laplands. The hard to see ones were in short hay and grass stubble and all I could 
ID were also Laplands. Lots of Horned Larks mixed in as were C. Redpolls and 
Snow Buntings. Redpolls and Snow Buntings were also seen in separate flocks. Saw 
41 Prairie Chickens sunning in a tree (others were flushed) and flocks of 72 
and approx. 150 Sandhills. 
    Salt Lake had many waterfowl and a few shorebirds, Lake Christina had 
lots of Am. Wigeon, Gadwall, GWTeal and divers mixed in with the tens of 
thousands of Coot. Nice weekend!

        John Ellis, St. Paul