[mou] Caspian Terns?- MN River

Melissa Driscoll Melissa.Driscoll@dnr.state.mn.us
Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:06:10 -0500

I might have seen these also.  My husband and I were canoeing on the MN
River over Labor Day and I saw a number of large orange-billed terns
with a rough voice (and the younger set had a high squeeky voice as
described in Kaufman's book).  They were hanging out with about 300
White Pelicans that flew directly over our heads at one point, about
8-10 Great Egrets, and 2-3 Great Blue Herons.  After the pelicans flew
over us I noticed the terns were squalking and a dark shape was diving
toward them.  It swooped low and missed them and then perched on a
branch -   a peregrine falcon!  I had time to look at my bird book a
number of times and back at the bird as it perched above me.  The dark
hood was unmistakable, along with the barred underside, shape when
flying and perched, and size.
Nice Day!

Melissa A. Driscoll
Land Protection Specialist - Native Prairie Bank Program
Division of Ecological Services
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Box 25, 500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155-4025
Phone: 651-259-5098
Fax: 651-296-1811
Cell: 612-390-9955
email: melissa.driscoll@dnr.state.mn.us

>>> "Ronus J" <ronusj@hotmail.com> 9/3/2006 7:19 PM >>>
Late afternoon, about 3-4 p.m., today, I watched at least 3 terns
around and diving for fish on the Minnesota River.  This was at the
bridge on Black Dog road just west of Hwy 77.  I am pretty sure they
Caspian Terns, but being alone this time and never having seen one
before, I 
cannot be 100% sure.  Large white bird, distinctly orange beak, black
black legs, only slightly forked tail (when it hovered before diving,
tail was more fan-shaped), slight black tips on primaries from
but not as distinctive as it shows in my books.

If anyone else has seen them, please let me know if my ID is okay or


Sharon K.

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