[mou] Warbler Record Question; Sherburne & Mille Lacs Brief Report

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Thu, 7 Sep 2006 09:24:27 -0500

Question:  what is the MN "Warbler Big Day" record?  The 25 last Saturday in 
Mille Lacs has Nathan and I thinking about the possibilities of 30 or so 
with the right mix of northern & southern MN locations (and weather) next 

98 species in Sherburne & Mille Lacs Counties over the last week - warbler 
migration still strong (except this morning) - shorebirds down 
dramatically - RB Nuthatches everywhere in significant numbers - first RC 
Kinglets of fall - WT Sparrows much more common.

Good birding to all!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties