[mou] Chaska Lake(migration still strong)

John Cyrus cyrus150@hotmail.com
Thu, 07 Sep 2006 19:20:17 +0000

I went out to Chaska Lake a couple of times this week with today having the 
most activity.  Warbler numbers were decent considering the location.  I am 
never sure of the Chaska Lake area when it comes to warblers.  Unfortunately 
there were a few warblers that were uncooperative and would not come out of 
the vegetation for a clear look.    The warblers I did see were probably 
some of the best views I could hope for including a Wilson's inquisitively 
studying me from a branch about 5 feet away.

Nashville, Wilson's, Mourning, Magnolia, Chestnut Sided(1 female on 
tuesday), and Canada Warblers, Ovenbird, and Northern Waterthrush.
Am. Redstart numbers have dramatically decreased as have Common Yellowthroat 
numbers...Still high Song Sparrow numbers, though.  Also seen were 
Blue-headed, Warbling, Philadelphia(Saturday), Red-eyed, and Yellow-throated 

The biggest surprise of the day for me was a Black-billed Cuckoo perched in 
perfect view in a dead tree.  I have never seen one in that area.

Identifiable water birds were lacking.  There were about 20 or so 
duck/merganser on the lake in the far distance, but they were too far for me 
to see clearly.   A worker with the refuge told me there was a pair of 
Hooded Mergansers on the lake.

I also saw a Northern Harrier and a pair of beautiful Bald Eagles, one adult 
and one immature.   The Eagles were soaring together at a fairly low level.  
I saw an eagle perched in a tree near the lake in late July and am rather 
curious whether it nested nearby.

All in all, this has been a great fall.
