[mou] Duluth: no rarities; Erie Pier update

Kim R Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Fri, 8 Sep 2006 15:38:13 -0500

Despite strong NE winds today, no jaegers or unusual 
gulls/terns/shorebirds were seen this morning at Park Point. However, 
with these same winds forecast to continue into Saturday, it is quite 
possible (even likely) something of note will be reported there this 
afternoon or tomorrow. But there were a few birds of note seen in 

- Rusty Blackbird (bay side of Park Point at 19th St, first reported 
this fall in MN?)
- Peregrine Falcon (adult at 40th Ave W Erie Pier area)
- juv Baird's Sandpipers (Erie Pier, with Semipalmated Plovers)
- American Pipit (Erie Pier, first reported this fall in MN?; also 3 
possible fly-by Lapland Longspurs, but too distant for positive ID)
- Connecticut Warbler (adult male also at Erie Pier, near white trailer 
at first RR tracks)

By the way, there was a posting or two earlier this year on mou-net 
saying that birders were not allowed at the 40th Ave W Erie Pier area, 
but this is the second time I have been there this season with no 
indication that I shouldn't be there. Birders have been going here for 
some 25 years without any problems, and the signs are no different this 
year (they should put up new signs if there is a new policy about 
access). Also, a worker drove by me today without saying anything. 
Accordingly, unless someone has some current and specific information 
to the contrary, I see no reason for birders not to visit this area, as 
long as they park outside the yellow gate (even if it is open) and stay 
away from any work activity that might be going on (nothing was 
happening today).  - Kim Eckert