[mou] MPLS: Black-crowned Night Herons

Jim Ryan muchmoredoc@gmail.com
Sun, 10 Sep 2006 19:28:28 -0500

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This evening, I confirmed a naked eye sighting from the last two days at the
Minnehaha Gardens area.   Two days ago at dusk, I thought I saw a juvenile
BCNH flying over the creek.  Today I was walking again in the garden with my
wife and we saw two juveniles.   I had no binocs, etc.  I returned with
binocs and SCOPE and saw 3 of them!!! One first year plumage bird was
snoozing in a tree whilst about a dozen wood ducks floated to and fro
underneath.  Two juvenile plumage birds flew in and landed in the trees
nearby.  The snoozing bird was unperturbed. (Used Sibley guide for ID).

PS: there were a few hummers in the garden as well.  The mallards are
progressing in their molt.  Many drakes are getting brown chested and a few
males are showing green heads.  I also saw a Great Blue Heron fishing along
the banks.

Jim in Longfellow
651-308-0234 business  cell

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Birders,<br>This evening, I confirmed a naked eye sighting from the last two days at the Minnehaha Gardens area.&nbsp;&nbsp; Two days ago at dusk, I thought I saw a juvenile BCNH flying over the creek.&nbsp; Today I was walking again in the garden with my wife and we saw two juveniles.&nbsp;&nbsp; I had no binocs, etc.&nbsp; I returned with binocs and SCOPE and saw 3 of them!!! One first year plumage bird was snoozing in a tree whilst about a dozen wood ducks floated to and fro underneath.&nbsp; Two juvenile plumage birds flew in and landed in the trees nearby.&nbsp; The snoozing bird was unperturbed. (Used Sibley guide for ID).
<br clear="all"><br>PS: there were a few hummers in the garden as well.&nbsp; The mallards are progressing in their molt.&nbsp; Many drakes are getting brown chested and a few males are showing green heads.&nbsp; I also saw a Great Blue Heron fishing along the banks.&nbsp; 
<br><br>-- <br>Jim in Longfellow<br>651-308-0234 business&nbsp; cell
