[mou] Jaeger Central

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Wed, 20 Sep 2006 22:41:37 -0500

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Hope this is not overkill, but while Doug Kieser and I overlapped with several other birders previously mentioned by others today, Doug and I tallied no fewer than 20 sightings of jaegers between 1:30-6:30pm. While some of these no doubt were repeats, I estimate seeing at least 6 different individuals based on plumage. The highlight, of course, was the Pom chasing and nearly striking a probable juvenile Sabine's Gull. Glad Doug and I made the last minute decision to give Duluth a shot today. Hope this amazing array of birds continues throught the weekend.

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<DIV>Hope this is not overkill, but while Doug Kieser and I overlapped with several other birders previously mentioned by others today, Doug and I tallied no fewer than 20 sightings of jaegers between 1:30-6:30pm. While some of these no doubt were repeats, I estimate seeing at least 6 different individuals based on plumage. The highlight, of course, was the Pom chasing and nearly striking a probable juvenile Sabine's Gull. Glad Doug and I made the last minute decision to give Duluth a shot today. Hope this amazing array of birds continues throught the weekend.</DIV>