[mou] Sabine's Gull, jaegers in Duluth

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Wed, 20 Sep 2006 22:08:00 -0500

Ty and Ida Baumann, Robbye Johnson, Daryl Tessen, and others have been 
lake watching from Wisconsin Point yesterday and today. The Baumanns 
reported seeing an Arctic Tern on the Wisconsin side of the state line 
yesterday morning. A juvenile Sabine's Gull (probably the same one seen 
by Jim LInd et al. at 5:15 PM today) was seen both yesterday and today 
by a number of birders at Wisconsin Point.
Exceptional numbers of jaegers were also seen off Wisconsin Point 
today, including a well-marked adult light-morph Parasitic with tail 
streamers that was well seen on both sides of the state line--probably 
the same individual reported by Kim Eckert and others this afternoon. 
At about 5:15 PM, we had distant looks at a large, blackish, 
broad-winged jaeger harassing gulls near Gull Bluff--its wingspan 
appeared to be similar to that of the Ring-billed Gull that it was 
chasing. The adult Lesser Black-backed Gull first seen 9 September was 
observed this afternoon on the Minnesota side of the Superior Entry.
Peder H. Svingen
Duluth, MN

On Sep 20, 2006, at 9:47 PM, Jim Lind wrote:

> At about 5:15 pm today a distant Sabine's Gull was briefly in view
> out from Lafayette Square at Park Point.  Jim Mattson, Doug Kieser,
> and I watched as it was harassed by the Pomarine Jaeger while flying
> out over the lake towards Wisconsin.  I could make out the bold black
> and white pattern on the wings as well as at least a partial hood,
> but I couldn't tell if it was an adult or juvenile.  Dave
> Grosshuesch, and Don Keinholz arrived a little later and we had some
> more decent looks at the Pomarine as it flew far out over the lake
> and occasionally chased a passing gull.  We also saw a probable adult
> light morph Parasitic Jaeger and 3-4 other unidentified distant
> jaegers.
> Jim Lind
> Two Harbors