[mou] Crosby pileated

linda birds@moosewoods.us
Fri, 09 Feb 2007 21:05:13 -0600

Crosby Park today:

chattering pileated woodpecker, working a tree on the island backwater, 
just east of the 35E bridge--

a pair of mallards in the stream running out of the wetland and parallel 
to the 35E bridge--

about two dozen robins turning over countless leaves on the hillside, 
west of the tiny beaver "pond" or bay on the north shoreline of the big 
lake(resembling a raised, paddy-like terrace, this pond is apparently 
spring-fed, as evidenced by ripples of outflow from the hillside; it may 
also remain open due to the diligent swimming activity of creatures such 
as the muskrat who was doing figure-eights there)--

small flock of juncos scratching in the dirt path on the river bank--

the usual winter residents, but still no barred owls

Linda Whyte