[mou] A few raptors, Carlos Avery

Erika Sitz esitz@goldengate.net
Sat, 10 Feb 2007 19:34:54 -0600

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An afternoon at Carlos Avery today yielded a few raptors, nothing like the
big show a couple months ago.  We drove a loop around the perimeter, and
then after a break in Forest Lake, circled around the roads by Pools 9/10
and 4/5/6.  We saw only one Rough-legged Hawk, 3:10pm, along Headquarters
Rd, 1.1 mi west of the right angle with Pool 10 Rd in the SE corner.  It was
sighted through/past the trees on the north side. We were looking hard
because, when they were so numerous, we would see four or five along that

We saw two Short-eared Owls, first one at 5:06pm on the crossover between
Pool 10 Rd and the parallel road to it on the other side of Pool 5.  We got
good looks in low sun, and watched it along with a juvenile Harrier, hunting
together, mild to no interaction.  The second Short-eared Owl was spotted
from that parallel road further towards Pool 9.  It perched long enough to
get the scope out, then flew behind us across the road.  We turned around
and came back and watched it hunt over a little island in Pool 6, still
working over that area of Pool 6 when we left around 5:40pm.

We saw six Harriers, four male and two juvenile, scattered around, possibly
one more of each, but probably duplicates.  One Bald Eagle was perched along
the gated road between Pool 10/4, still there a half hour later.  Also seen
were a Red-tailed Hawk, Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, and a persistent Tree
Sparrow, or three taking turns, on three passes by Pool 5.

Note: when I called over to Carlos yesterday, the DNR person told me he had
seen two owls and no rough-leggeds the previous couple days, so our findings
were consistent.

Erika Sitz,
Ramsey, north Anoka County

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<P><FONT size=3D2>An afternoon at Carlos Avery today yielded a few =
nothing like the big show a couple months ago.&nbsp; We drove a loop =
around the=20
perimeter, and then after a break in Forest Lake, circled around the =
roads by=20
Pools 9/10 and 4/5/6.&nbsp; We saw only one Rough-legged Hawk, 3:10pm, =
Headquarters Rd, 1.1 mi west of the right angle with Pool 10 Rd in the =
corner.&nbsp; It was sighted through/past the trees on the north side. =
We were=20
looking hard because, when they were so numerous, we would see four or =
along that stretch.<BR><BR>We saw two Short-eared Owls, first one at =
5:06pm on=20
the crossover between Pool 10 Rd and the parallel road to it on the =
other side=20
of Pool 5.&nbsp; We got good looks in low sun, and watched it along with =
juvenile Harrier, hunting together, mild to no interaction.&nbsp; The =
Short-eared Owl was spotted from that parallel road further towards Pool =

9.&nbsp; It perched long enough to get the scope out, then flew behind =
us across=20
the road.&nbsp; We turned around and came back and watched it hunt over =
a little=20
island in Pool 6, still working over that area of Pool 6 when we left =
5:40pm.<BR><BR>We saw six Harriers, four male and two juvenile, =
around, possibly one more of each, but probably duplicates.&nbsp; One =
Bald Eagle=20
was perched along the gated road between Pool 10/4, still there a half =
later.&nbsp; Also seen were a Red-tailed Hawk, Flicker, Pileated =
Woodpecker, and=20
a persistent Tree Sparrow, or three taking turns, on three passes by =
5.<BR><BR>Note: when I called over to Carlos yesterday, the DNR person =
told me=20
he had seen two owls and no rough-leggeds the previous couple days, so =
findings were consistent.<BR><BR>Erika Sitz,<BR>Ramsey, north Anoka=20
County<BR><BR><BR>&nbsp;</FONT> </P></BODY></HTML>
