[mou] Schaar's Bluff
Sat, 10 Feb 2007 20:15:12 -0600
south bluff trails: very quiet, except for downy woodpecker activity
Along the outer driveway, in the top of a deciduous tree by the bluebird
houses, was one of the larger woodpeckers, gleaning food from around the
sparse foliage remaining. I assumed it was a red-bellied, but it flew
too quickly to get the binoculars up. However, it seemed to have too
little red on its head, and too much tan in its plumage; perhaps it was
a flicker.
170th St: among countless Canada geese and mallards, one bald eagle and
"the" gyrfalcon; my thanks to fellow birders who spotted it and helped
me find it (and VERY belated thanks to those of you whose assistance
helped us see the black-backed woodpecker on Hedboom Rd. early last week)
52-110 interchange: one red-tail hawk perched on the south side, one
mature bald eagle in flight over 110 to the west of the interchange
Linda Whyte