[mou] 2007 ABA Conference in Ecuador

Elizabeth Bell elizjbell@comcast.net
Tue, 13 Feb 2007 15:48:16 -0600

This is posted with permission of the list service administrator.

I am receiving no financial gain from this notice, it is merely to help ABA 
and the flow of funds that should accrue to local conservation efforts in 

The 2007 ABA International Conference will be held in Quito, the capital 
city of Ecuador, in September. The company handling this conference for the 
ABA is Tropical Birding, which is based in Quito. We (Tom and I) have had 
excellent experience with this company and can say that attendees should 
expect a first class operation. The attendance limit is 230 people.

Elizabeth Bell
on Grey Cloud Island
5868 Pioneer Road South
Saint Paul Park MN 55071-1143
651 459-4150

2007 ABA International Conference, Quito, Ecuador
To quote from the organizers:
"This is the first time this event will take place in South America. 
Everyone will stay at the same hotel in Quito (the Dann Carlton, very nice), 
while taking day trips each day to various sites in the Andes. The day trips 
will be: Antisana (dry high-elevation plateau with condors), Papallacta 
(eastern temperate forest and moist paramo with seedsnipe), Yanacocha 
(temperate forest west of Quito, think mountain-tanagers), Tandayapa 
(out-of-control hummer feeders in the western subtropics), and Milpe (super 
diverse Choco foothill forest). Because some of the birding will be on 
forest trails, the groups will be small, with about 8 people to each leader. 
The guides are world-class, and hopefully all participants will get the 
experience of a short birding tour, but with the added bonus of top-notch 
speakers each night. There is also a non-birding track, with cultural day 
trips for non-birding companions and spouses. Non-birders will visit 
Tandayapa and Antisana as well. Could this be the perfect birding 
There is a big conservation connection that we're very excited about too. A 
portion of each registration fee will go toward local conservation, 
supporting land purchase around the existing Milpe Bird Sanctuary (Mindo 
Cloudforest Foundation) and Yanacocha Reserve (Jocotoco Foundation). Both of 
these are locations we will visit on day trips during the conference, so 
everyone can see the areas they are supporting. Swarovski has made an 
up-front commitment of support, and the event should generate over $50,000 
in total for local conservation. Awesome!

Here's the website you can check out for more information and registration 
forms: http://www.americanbirding.org/mtgs/conferences/2007quito/. The 
conference registration is actually going very well, and we've already got 
around 140 people."