[mou] Housing for birders in Sax Zim Bog

Mike Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Thu, 15 Feb 2007 21:53:15 -0600

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Helen Abramson emailed Kim Eckert and I about a new housing facility =
that could hold up to 15 birders. The facility is located on Co. Rd 133 =
in Elmer township.  If any birder or birders would like to lodge over =
night in the bog they should contact Helen Abramson at habramson@2z.net =
to get more precise directions and other information about this =

Also the owners of the Country Market ( very nice people!!) are carrying =
birding items - painting by a local artist, sweatshirts, and T-shirts =
and mugs. They also make terrific sandwiches!! I know,  I ate a ton of =

The Toivola-Meadowlands Area Development board members really miss us =
birders this winter since we are birding Hedbom Logging Trail Rd instead =
of Sax Zim Bog this winter. I got a note telling me so from one of the =
board members and they are looking for ideas to keep us birders coming =
to Sax Zim Bog..  I gave them some ideas to help promote birding in Sax =
Zim Bog.  Here were my suggestions.
1. A winter bird feeding station with many feeders to attract winter =
finches.  Either at some resident house or a safe place to create a =
station with no worries with vandalism.
2. Get some local deer hunters to donate deer ribs cages to be hanged =
along Owl Avenue and the McDavitt Rd. Deer ribs would attract Boreal =
Chickadees and other birds like Gray Jays. ( I would help with this =
project )
3. Create a Sax Zim Bog birding map sort of like mind that I have on my =
website but add area business names to it ( restaurants, gas stations, =
country market  and ect.)
4. Promote the Sharp-tailed Grouse leks and maybe work with the land =
owners who own the land that these leks are located on.  Maybe erect a =
blind or a viewing platform at a safe distance to view the courtship =

If you have any ideas yourself to aid Sax Zim Bog please email your =
ideas to Helen or to me.


Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>Helen =
Abramson emailed=20
Kim Eckert and I about a new housing facility that could hold up to 15 =
The facility is located on Co. Rd 133 in Elmer township.&nbsp; If any =
birder or=20
birders would like to lodge over night in the bog they should contact =
Abramson at <A href=3D"mailto:habramson@2z.net">habramson@2z.net</A> to =
get more=20
precise directions and other information about this =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>Also the =
owners of the=20
Country Market ( very nice people!!) are carrying birding items - =
painting by a=20
local artist, sweatshirts, and T-shirts and mugs. They also make =
sandwiches!! I know, &nbsp;I ate a ton of them!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>The =
Area Development board members really miss us birders this winter since =
we are=20
birding Hedbom Logging Trail Rd instead of Sax Zim Bog this winter. I =
got a note=20
telling me so from one of the board members and they are looking for =
ideas to=20
keep us birders coming to Sax Zim Bog..&nbsp; I gave them some ideas to =
promote&nbsp;birding in Sax Zim Bog.&nbsp; Here were my=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>1. A =
winter bird=20
feeding station with many feeders to attract winter finches.&nbsp; =
Either at=20
some resident house or a safe place to create a station with no worries =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>2. Get =
some local deer=20
hunters to donate deer ribs cages to be hanged along Owl Avenue and the =
Rd. Deer ribs would attract Boreal Chickadees and other birds like Gray =
Jays. (=20
I would help with this project )</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>3. Create =
a Sax Zim Bog=20
birding map sort of like mind that I have on my website but add area =
names to it ( restaurants, gas stations, country market&nbsp; and=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>4. =
Promote the=20
Sharp-tailed Grouse leks and maybe work with the land owners who own the =
that these leks are located on. &nbsp;Maybe erect a blind or a viewing =
at a safe distance to view the courtship displays.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>If you =
have any ideas=20
yourself to aid Sax Zim Bog please email your ideas to Helen or to=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>Michael=20
Hendrickson<BR>Duluth, Minnesota<BR><A=20
