[mou] FW: rosy finch rules of engagement - a refresher memo

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Sat, 17 Feb 2007 13:08:29 -0600

--- Mike Schrage <mikeschrage@fdlrez.com> wrote:

> From: "Mike Schrage" <mikeschrage@fdlrez.com>
> To: <birdnird@yahoo.com>
> Subject: rosy finch directions
> Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 11:04:36 -0600
> Terry,
> There's been some mild confusion regarding
> directions for the rosy finches.
> Birders don't need to remain in their car.  We just
> ask that they remain in
> the parking lot and not go looking for the birds on
> foot behind the
> building.  This is for general safety and keeps our
> security folks happy.
> The birds are completely unwary and can be
> approached with no harm.  None of
> the staff here has worried about it since last
> December.
> The birds usually make their first appearance about
> 1/2 hour before sunrise
> and then regularly until the afternoon.  Best light
> for photos is after mid
> morning when that side of the building is out of the
> shadows.  If people
> have an hour or two to wait - the birds will be
> back.
> Mike Schrage