[mou] More News on the Carolina WrenSS (Hennepin Co.)

alyssa tiger150@comcast.net
Mon, 19 Feb 2007 12:02:15 -0600

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Three birders came to view the Carolina Wren; Jim Otto, Leslie Marcus, =
and Chet Meyers. For a while, we did not see or hear anything. Then, =
like magic, the sweet bubbling song of the Carolina Wren filled our =
ears. He was singing near his favorite bird feeder in the neighbor's =
yard. Eventually, we got our bincoulars on it, he was very cooperative =
and quite close to us. He flew up to the oak tree directly above us. =
Then, it seemed it retured from the sapling it was in earlier. But =
wait-the other wren was still up in the oak tree! Last I checked, one =
plus one equals two. Ah yes, a Carolina Wren duo! We are certain it is a =
pair, for we saw one singing while the other one was on a neighboring =
branch, aka "wren love". I am not sure if I should put out a nesting box =
for them or not, becuase it would be very low in the shrubbery, and =
wrens nest either in cavities or non-cavities. Any advice would be =
great. Again, e-mail me for directions at tiger150@comcast.net=20
Good birding-

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Three birders came to view the Carolina =
Wren; Jim=20
Otto, Leslie Marcus, and Chet Meyers. For a while, we did not see or =
anything. Then, like magic, the sweet bubbling song of the Carolina Wren =
our ears. He was singing near his&nbsp;favorite bird feeder in the =
yard.&nbsp;Eventually, we got our bincoulars on it, he was very =
cooperative and=20
quite close to us. He flew up to the oak tree directly above us. Then, =
it seemed=20
it retured from the sapling it was in earlier. But wait-the other wren =
was still=20
up in the oak tree! Last I checked, one plus one equals two. Ah yes, a =
Wren duo! We are certain it is a pair, for we saw one singing while the =
one was on a neighboring branch, aka "wren love". I am not sure if I =
should put=20
out a nesting box for them or not, becuase it would be very low in the=20
shrubbery, and wrens nest either in cavities or non-cavities. Any advice =
be great. Again, e-mail me for directions at <A=20
href=3D"mailto:tiger150@comcast.net">tiger150@comcast.net</A> =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Good birding-</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Alyssa DeRubeis</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Golden =
