[mou] GHOW, Lebanon Hills

linda birds@moosewoods.us
Tue, 27 Feb 2007 23:04:25 -0600

Great Horned Owl, in the conifers behind the beach at Schulze Lake, in 
Lebanon Hills Regional Park, at 2:00 today.

This is likely one of a pair that was flushed by a tree-trimming crew 
last week. Diana Doyle and I  found a white-washed tree near the back of 
the stand, with many pellets around the base, the day after the 
trimming. After much searching today, Rob and I spotted the owl a couple 
of trees over from there. When retracing our footsteps to leave the 
stand, we found a large nest that looked as though it might accommodate 
  owls. Both owl and nest were visible only from almost directly below 
their sites.

(The trail leading past the conifers is a designated ski trail, so you 
have to keep off to the side of it before veering into the trees.)

Linda Whyte