[mou] DNR seeks input on changes to endangered species listings

shawn conrad dingermcduff@hotmail.com
Tue, 02 Jan 2007 19:25:14 -0600

This was just released today.  The Minnesota DNR is looking for public 
comments between 1/2 and 3/5 on proposed changes to the state threatened and 
endangered species list.  I've looked at the proposed changes for bird 
species, available at  
http://files.dnr.state.mn.us/input/rules/ets/birds.pdf and fortunately, most 
of them favor a more protected status.

Species designated for changes in status are:  Northern Goshawk, Boreal Owl, 
Henslow's Sparrow, Lark Sparrow, Common Nighthawk, Trumpeter Swan, 
Black-throated Blue Warbler, Peregrine Falcon, Bald Eagle, Loggerhead 
Shrike, Greater Prairie-chicken, and Bell's Vireo.  If anyone reading this 
is very knowledgeable on the status of any of these species in Minnesota, it 
might be very helpful for the DNR to hear from you.  The online comment form 
is at the address listed in the article below.

Shawn Conrad

The full story, available at 
http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/news/releases/index.html?id=1167765055 is below:

Draft changes to state's endangered species list available for comment 

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resource (DNR) is seeking help from the 
public as it updates the state's list of species that are endangered, 
threatened or of special concern.

Under the state's endangered species law, the DNR identifies plants and 
animals that are at risk of disappearing from Minnesota, according to DNR 
biologist Rich Baker. The list identifying those species was first created 
in 1984 and was last revised in 1996.

"The DNR's goal is to maintain an endangered species list that reflects our 
scientific knowledge of the conservation status and needs of Minnesota's 
plants and animals," Baker said. "We hope folks will provide us with 
information that can help us determine if a species is threatened with 
extinction in the state. All information submitted to the DNR will be 
considered as we proceed to revise the list during 2007."

Over the past 10 years, research and survey work conducted by the DNR and 
other resource management agencies, and by university and other researchers, 
has provided new information about where rare species are and whether or not 
they are vulnerable to extinction.

DNR staff has used this information to develop a set of draft changes to the 
list. These changes are now available for the public's review and comment. 
Details of the draft changes, along with an online comment form, are 
available on the DNR's Web site at  

Comments on the draft will be accepted between Jan. 2 and March 5. Following 
the comment period, the DNR will revise the draft changes, prepare 
additional supporting information, and submit the final proposal for 
administrative rulemaking. That process will include additional 
opportunities for public input.

Printed copies of the draft changes and comment form, and further 
information can also be requested from the DNR by calling or writing to: 
Rich Baker, Minnesota DNR, 500 Lafayette Rd., Box 25 St. Paul, MN 55155; 
phone (651) 259-5073; e-mail rich.baker@dnr.state.mn.us.

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