[mou] Surge of gulls and ? expected

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Wed, 3 Jan 2007 11:25:52 -0600

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During the first part of this week the large areas of remaining open wa=
on James and Hudson Bays in Canada froze up (still a couple of small ho=
open well offshore) so perhaps we could now expect a southward surge of=

white-winged gulls and maybe, just maybe some rare waterbirds like eide=
alcids (dreaming here) and more.  Check out the ice cover and snow cove=
for North America at http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/SNOW/DATA/cursnow_usa.g=
Note the complete absence of ice on the Great Lakes!  Bob Russell, US F=
and Wildlife Service, Ft. Snelling, MN=

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<p>During the first part of this week the large areas of remaining open=
 water on James and Hudson Bays in Canada froze up (still a couple of s=
mall holes open well offshore) so perhaps we could now expect a southwa=
rd surge of white-winged gulls and maybe, just maybe some rare waterbir=
ds like eiders, alcids (dreaming here) and more.  Check out the ice cov=
er and snow cover for North America at <i><a href=3D"http://www.ssd.noa=
A/cursnow_usa.gif</a>.  </i>Note the complete absence of ice on the Gre=
at Lakes!  Bob Russell, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Ft. Snelling, MN<=
