[mou] Duluth Birds

Mike Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Thu, 4 Jan 2007 22:10:11 -0600

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I seen the Townsend's Solitaire in the Park Point Recreational Area =
several times this week  ( January 1, 2, and 4th ) The two best places =
to look for the Solitaire is near the two houses inside Park Point and =
also at the first large main parking lot across from the public =
restrooms (closed this time of year).

Thayer's Gull on January 1 and 3rd.  Both gulls were first cycle =
plumage.  Both sightings were at Canal.  On January 3rd I counted 200 =
gulls sitting on the breakwalls. I met a birder who was out on her =
afternoon walk down in Canal Park and she informed me that she saw the =
two Harlequin Ducks a week ago in the bay near the south pier hotel.  =
It's really not clear if the Harlequin Ducks are gone as there is still =
some open water scattered all over the Duluth harbor.

On January 3rd I had some White-winged Crossbills feeding spruce cones =
at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Gary-New Duluth.=20

Shawn Zierman sent me a photo a immature Snow Goose he took on January 1 =
at Bayfront Park.

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
size=3D2>I&nbsp;seen the=20
Townsend's Solitaire in the Park Point Recreational Area several times =
week&nbsp; ( January 1, 2, and 4th ) The two best places to look for the =

Solitaire is near the two houses inside Park Point and also at the first =
main parking lot across from the public restrooms (closed this time of=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>Thayer's =
Gull on=20
January 1 and 3rd.&nbsp; Both&nbsp;gulls were first cycle plumage.&nbsp; =
sightings were at Canal.&nbsp; On January 3rd I counted 200 gulls =
sitting on the=20
breakwalls. I met a birder who was out on her afternoon walk down in =
Canal Park=20
and she informed me that she saw the two Harlequin Ducks a week ago in =
the bay=20
near the south pier hotel.&nbsp; It's really not clear if the Harlequin =
are gone as there is still&nbsp;some open water scattered all over the =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>On =
January 3rd I had=20
some White-winged Crossbills feeding spruce cones at St. Elizabeth =
Church in Gary-New Duluth. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>Shawn =
Zierman sent me a=20
photo a immature Snow Goose he took on January 1 at Bayfront =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Bookman Old Style" color=3D#800000 size=3D2>Michael=20
Hendrickson<BR>Duluth, Minnesota<BR><A=20
