[mou] Ross's Goose near GTTO?

Frank Berdan fberdan3@yahoo.com
Fri, 5 Jan 2007 09:36:12 -0800 (PST)

Brian Smith kindly mentioned this additional
possibility for those journeying to Mountain Lake this
weekend.  Thank you, Brian!

Frank Berdan

--- Brian Smith <brsmith@sleepyeyetel.net> wrote:

> From: "Brian Smith" <brsmith@sleepyeyetel.net>
> To: "Frank Berdan" <fberdan3@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: local birding near GTTO?
> Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 19:39:11 -0600
> Frank,
> Birding has been very slow here in Brown county this
> winter.  The Sleepy Eye 
> sewage ponds are frozen over and there's no activity
> there.  The nice folks 
> in the Cottonwood County Bird Club let me join them
> for their CBC last 
> Monday and I found a Ross's Goose on Fish Lake in
> Cottonwood county.  This 
> lake isn't too far from Mountain Lake.  To get
> there, go SW on Hwy. 60 to 
> Bingham Lake and go south on Cottonwood Cty. 2 until
> it dead ends where it 
> intersects with Cty. 17. Continue south on a gravel
> road (I think it 520th 
> ave.) about a mile until you come to Fish Lake. 
> There's a short trail that 
> you can walk down to the lake and you can scope the
> open water.  The Ross's 
> was in with a larger flock of Canada Geese.  Hope
> this helps - let me know 
> if you find it.
> Brian Smith

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