[mou] towhee, Friday the 5th

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Fri, 5 Jan 2007 13:14:38 -0600

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Jan. 5, 2006
Mt. Lake, MN
Cottonwood Co.

I arrived at 8:20 A.M. No birds used the feeder until 8:45. At that time, the sheriff pulled up and talked to one couple in their car (there were 3 vehicles total). He was very loud and I figured the bird show would be postponed for quite a while. But as soon as he started talking to these folks, birds began arriving including the Green-tailed Towhee which put on a good show, at least for those of us not being interrogated. He must have talked to that couple for 10 minutes. When he left, the towhee was adios. That poor couple didn't even know that the bird was in view during that entire time. I hope they didn't drive down from Grand Marais.  But I assume they persisted and were successful after I left.

FYI - The bird is easily viewed from inside the vehicle with binoculars. Good luck.

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<DIV>Jan. 5, 2006</DIV>
<DIV>Mt. Lake, MN</DIV>
<DIV>Cottonwood Co.</DIV>
<DIV>I arrived at 8:20 A.M. No birds used the feeder until 8:45. At that time, the sheriff pulled up and talked to one couple in their car (there were 3 vehicles total).&nbsp;He was very loud and I figured the bird show would be postponed&nbsp;for quite&nbsp;a while. But&nbsp;as soon as he started talking to these folks, birds began arriving including&nbsp;the Green-tailed Towhee&nbsp;which put on a good show, at least for those of us not being interrogated. He must have talked to that couple for 10 minutes. When he left, the towhee was adios. That poor couple didn't even know that the bird was in view during that entire&nbsp;time. I hope they didn't drive down from Grand Marais. &nbsp;But I assume they persisted and were successful after I left.</DIV>
<DIV>FYI - The bird is easily viewed from <U>inside</U> the vehicle with binoculars. Good luck.</DIV>