[mou] Afton Solitaire not seen

Matt Pierce matt@itascacg.com
Sat, 6 Jan 2007 17:38:23 -0600

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Went to Afton today from 10AM to 12 noon to relocate the Solitaire with =
no luck. It was nice weather - cool and sunny. At one point I thought I =
heard it singing from southwest of the reported location (in an area =
with many junipers) but did not find it there or hear it again. While =
looking, heard some goldfinches and watched a RB nuthatch with a bunch =
of chickadees.
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Went to Afton today from 10AM to 12 =
noon to=20
relocate the Solitaire with no luck. It was nice weather - cool and =
sunny. At=20
one point I thought I heard it singing from southwest of the reported =
(in an area with many junipers) but did not find it there or hear it =
While looking, heard some goldfinches and watched&nbsp;a RB nuthatch =
with a=20
bunch of chickadees.</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
