[mou] green tailed towhee

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Sun, 07 Jan 2007 18:25:25 -0600

Giving feed to those who have rare birds at their feeders is a great 
practice.When I had a varied Thrush two years ago, Sharon Stiteler 
brought a bag of seed from her store which I gave to the two neighbors 
in whose yards the bird spent more time. They were glad to get it and 
very appreciative and somewhat surprised that birders would do this. I 
think anything we can do to show our thanks helps build goodwill for 
Manley Olson
Falcon Heights

> Three of us from Cottonwood ventured down to Mountain Lake yesterday to see the towhee.  We had three great sightings between 9 AM and 11AM.  
> We think the ideas of donating for bird feed is excellent.  Does anyone have the actual address of the homeowners?
> Sue Morton
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