[mou] MVNWR - Black Dog Lake - Dakota County - 1/13/2007

CRAIG MANDEL EgretCMan@msn.com
Sun, 14 Jan 2007 01:07:53 -0600

January 13, 2007

Enjoyed a nice walk at the refuge today.  There were lots of Mallards and 
lots of Canada Geese on Black Dog Lake.  We also were able to watch a 1/2 
dozen Bald Eagles, at times flying very low over the flocks of Mallards on 
the lake.  Plus a few other species.  Here are some of the species that our 
group observed:

Trumpeter Swan - 4 adults and one immature
Bufflehead - two female's on the West side of the lake, observed from the 
power plant road at 3:00pm.
Hooded Merganser
Common Merganser
Double-crested Cormorant
Peregrine Falcon - on main smoke stack
Herring Gull
American Tree Sparrow - Small flock feeding on the ground along the Marsh 
Dark-eyed Junco

Craig Mandel, Minnetonka, MN