[mou] Slaty-backed Gull Update

Judith Sparrow jsparrow@centurytel.net
Sun, 14 Jan 2007 17:04:13 -0600

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The Slaty-backed Gull was still visible on the St. Croix River at Pt.
Douglas Park, Washington County at 3:45 p.m. today.  It seemed to "hang out"
in the open water just below the Steamboat Inn restaurant in Prescott, WI
and was also frequently airborne over the same area.  Also present was a 1st
or 2nd winter Glaucous Gull in the same general area as the Slaty-backed.
Judith Sparrow
Prescott, WI
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page."
--Saint Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354-430)

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<DIV><SPAN class=3D078344822-14012007><FONT face=3DArial>The =
Slaty-backed Gull was=20
still visible on the St. Croix River at Pt. Douglas Park, Washington =
County at=20
3:45 p.m. today.&nbsp; It seemed to "hang out" in the open water just =
below the=20
Steamboat Inn restaurant in Prescott, WI and was also frequently =
airborne over=20
the same area.&nbsp; Also present was a 1st or 2nd winter Glaucous Gull =
in the=20
same general area as the Slaty-backed.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial>Judith<SPAN =
<DIV align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial><SPAN =
<DIV align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial>"The world is a book, and those who =
do not=20
travel, read only a page."</FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=3Dleft><FONT face=3DArial>--Saint&nbsp;Augustine of Hippo =
