[mou] Dakota Co. today, Jan. 19

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Fri, 19 Jan 2007 14:47:53 -0600

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SLATY-BACKED GULL - still present at marina in Prescott as well as adult Glaucous Gull and adult Thayer's (with dark head).

MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD - Blaine Seeliger Conny Brunell, Donn Mattsson and I had this female at exact spot where I found it yesterday. I've posted a better  image taken today to "Recently Seen". This bird hangs out with a small group of Cedar Waxwings. 

GYRFALCON - On a tip from Blaine, who had seen the gyr this morning, we stopped by 180th just east of Hi 52 and after a few minutes watched the gray morph falcon make a run at a flock of Canada Geese. It then perched on a sprinkler system located in the middle of the section. Last night there were perhaps 8,000+ geese and hundreds of mallards at this same location, so this should be a great spot to see the falcon for a while. 

Also, flock of ~ 400 longspurs and a few snow buntings at this same location.

Good brrrrrding.

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<DIV>SLATY-BACKED GULL&nbsp;- still present at marina in Prescott as well as adult&nbsp;Glaucous Gull and adult Thayer's (with dark head).</DIV>
<DIV>MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRD -&nbsp;Blaine Seeliger Conny Brunell, Donn Mattsson and I had this female at exact spot where I found it yesterday. I've posted a better&nbsp;&nbsp;image taken today to "Recently Seen". This bird hangs out with a small group of Cedar Waxwings. </DIV>
<DIV>GYRFALCON - On a tip from Blaine, who had seen the gyr this morning, we stopped by 180th just east of Hi 52 and after a few minutes watched the gray morph&nbsp;falcon make a run at a flock of Canada Geese. It then perched on a sprinkler system located in the middle of the section. Last night there were perhaps 8,000+ geese and hundreds of mallards at this same location, so this should be a great spot to see the falcon for a while. </DIV>
<DIV>Also, flock of ~ 400 longspurs and a few snow buntings at this same location.</DIV>
<DIV>Good brrrrrding.</DIV>