[mou] Directions to Rosy Finches (again)

Karen Sussman ksussman@lcp2.net
Fri, 19 Jan 2007 15:46:56 -0600

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Ben Yokel asked me to post a request for directions to the Rosy Finches 
since he is embarrassed to admit that he hasn't been to see them yet.
We are planning a trip this weekend to finally take care of business.
Any help in this endeavour would be appreciated.
(We haven't seen the Towhee either but we're too lazy to drive that far 
since neither of us are state listers and we've seen them before...)
Karen Sussman  ksussman@lcp2.net
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<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>Ben Yokel asked me
to post a request for directions to the Rosy Finches since he is
embarrassed to admit that he hasn't been to see them yet.

We are planning a trip this weekend to finally take care of business.

Any help in this endeavour would be appreciated.

(We haven't seen the Towhee either but we're too lazy to drive that
far since neither of us are state listers and we've seen them


<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Karen Sussman 