[mou] Keewatin

audrey lynn alynneretired@yahoo.com
Sat, 20 Jan 2007 18:57:23 -0800 (PST)

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Saw the Varied Thrush in Keewatin(ST. Louis Co.) today, Saturday 01/20/07. He came into the yard with many feeders at 620 3rd. Ave. W. about 1:30pm. Also seen at those feeders were 1 Cardinal,  about a dozen Common Redpolls, 15 Pine Grosbeaks, and a Redwing BB which seemed unable to fly. There were the usual Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, Bluejays,  Wh. B. Nuthatches and BC Chickadees.
    Here in Hoyt Lakes we have good numbers of Eve. GB, Pine GB, many Pine Siskins and at Nancy Jackson's she still has 2 Wh. Th. Sp. and 1 Fox Sparrow.

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<div>Saw the Varied Thrush in Keewatin(ST. Louis Co.) today, Saturday 01/20/07. He came into the yard with many feeders at 620 3rd. Ave. W. about 1:30pm. Also seen at those feeders were 1 Cardinal,&nbsp; about a dozen Common Redpolls, 15 Pine Grosbeaks, and a Redwing BB which seemed unable to fly. There were the usual Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, Bluejays,&nbsp; Wh. B. Nuthatches and BC Chickadees.</div>  <div>&nbsp; Here in Hoyt Lakes we have good numbers of Eve. GB, Pine GB, many Pine Siskins and at Nancy Jackson's she still has 2 Wh. Th. Sp. and 1 Fox Sparrow.</div><p>&#32;

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