[mou] Woodpeckers, GGOwl, Horned Grebes. others

Tue, 23 Jan 2007 06:20:47 EST

    Did a weekend North- had a 3-toed on Blue Spruce .4 mile N of 133 and 
another with a Black-Backed .4 miles N of 133 again on Blue Spruce. Had another 
3-Toed in the NE quadrant of the intersection where Overton meets Owl avenue 
from the west. Those were on Saturday PM. On Sunday, coming back from Silver Bay 
there were a flock of 10 Horned Grebes in Winter plumage off of Flood Bay 
rest stop. I don't know if they are late, early, overwintering, or just tourists. 
Had a GGOwl .2 miles E of the Hebron Cemetary along Aitkin County 18 at dusk. 
Despite looking for owls it was a total accident as I flushed it from 
slightly into the woods on the N side as I pulled in to the shoulder as I was turning 
around. Lots of great birds around.

    John Ellis- St. Paul