[mou] The return of boreal birds....

SCmzd@aol.com SCmzd@aol.com
Sun, 4 Mar 2007 23:42:29 EST

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3/4/07,  Today, behind the Munger Inn in Duluth, the pine grosbeaks  were 
back, around 30 of them, still working on cleaning out the remnant ash tree  
seeds.  There was also a large flock of 100-150 bohemian waxwings present,  
providing some excellent displays of group flight, and song.  To stand  under a 
large maple with 100 or so bohemians above you, all gregarious and the  
like.....(quite nice.)  There was also a mature bald eagle fly over.  
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<DIV>3/4/07,&nbsp; Today, behind the Munger Inn in Duluth, the pine grosbeak=
were back, around 30 of them, still working on cleaning out the remnant ash=20=
seeds.&nbsp; There was also a large flock of 100-150 bohemian waxwings prese=
providing some excellent displays of group flight, and song.&nbsp; To stand=20
under a large maple with 100 or so bohemians above you, all gregarious and t=
like.....(quite nice.)&nbsp; There was also a mature bald eagle fly over.&nb=
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