[mou] Rothsay SEOwls(35!) & LQP GWF Geese, Herman ECDoves (+others)

Sat, 10 Mar 2007 18:29:29 EST

    Went to Rothsay yesterday (Friday.) Counted 35 Short Eared Owls from 4:30 
to 6:45 on a drive through the area. Birds were actively hunting at 4:30 so 
they must be hungry! There were Owls on fence posts, on sign posts, on 
telephone poles, on utility wires and sitting on the ground and in ditches as well as 
flying. Also had 10 Rough-legged Hawks, 3 dark and 7 presumed light. Also had 
3 N. Harriers and 69 Greater Prairie Chickens.
    Herman had at least two ECDoves (near 1st Ave and Atlantic, South end of 
town along MN 9.)
    There were 16 Greater White-Fronted Geese down on water near the T 
intersection of MN40 and LQP County 33 and 12 more flared off when I stopped. Thirty 
additional were landing as I watched near the lower end of the LQP reservoir 
near Chippewa 13 and the road along the reservoir N. past the mission building 
so I think the GWFs are just arriving today. I talked with a Chippewa 
Sheriff's Deputy who was hunting white Geese in Missouri last week who said the Snows 
were in S. Iowa. With the S. winds tomorrow they may come in also.
    Saw 3-400 pheasants including a flock of 50 or so along the RR tracks 
near Odessa. Mud Lake is frozen as of today (Sat) as is Big Stone.
        John Ellis-St. Paul
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