[mou] Quiggley Lake

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Fri, 16 Mar 2007 23:25:31 -0500

this morning (Friday) I found two male Grackles atop a tree by the Quiggley 
Lake.  at dusk as I was filling the feeders, a flock of about 80 Red-winged 
Blackbirds, perhaps including a few unrecognized allies, flew over the lake. 
That is the first flock of spring I have seen.  Driving thru parts of Scott 
and Carver counties in good habitat, the countryside appears to be still 
quiet with little activity seen in the fields or marshes.  I expect the 
first south winds will carry the flocks.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN